Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chicken Pot Pie

We all have this recipe, don't we? Yet when I wanted to make - actually Nick wanted me to make it - I couldn't find my recipe.  Ok fine I know what goes in it just wing it!  So I did and when we finished eating that evening we all decided that it was yummy enough to have again.  Just in case you don't have a tried and true recipe you are welcome to give mine a go.

But one thing I think made the difference - the temperature outside.  It has to be on the chilly side and a bit of wind and/or mistiness really does enhance the flavor of a chickenbeefturkey pot pie.

Unfortunately this is not a mix together and pop it into the oven pot pie. You have to saute, boil, whisk, roll, then mix and pop into the oven.

I must confess I used *whispering* store bought unroll pie crusts.  But I did have to roll them out a bit!  I hope that counts for a wee bit!

When baking any sort of closed crust 'pie' be sure that you have some sort of vent - the steam will find its way out one way or another and it may not be pretty.

No egg wash and it came out just fine - crispy and brown.

Tasty. Warm. Homey.

Chicken Pot Pie
by My Sisters Table

3 or 4 chicken breasts, cubed
2 tablespoons butter

6 ounces baby carrots, cut in half
3 new (red or white) potatoes, cubed
8 ounces (1/2 bag) frozen peas
8 ounces (1/2 bag) frozen corn

1/2 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
5 tablespoons butter*
5 tablespoons all-purpose flour*
1 1/2 cups milk*
White wine - enough to make 1 cup with chicken broth

Salt & pepper to taste.

2 unbaked pie crusts

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. 
Start 2 pots of water to boil. Put a pinch or two of salt into the water.

Melt the 2 tablespoons butter in a fry pan and cook the chicken over medium heat until just done. You should get a lot of broth out of the chicken during this cooking. With a slotted spoon take the chicken pieces out of the pan and put into a large mixing bowl. Many of the ingredients that will be going into this bowl will be quite hot so choose a heat proof bowl. Pour off the juice into a heat proof measuring cup. I got about 1/2 cup but your measurement may be different.

When the pots of water come to a boil add your carrots to one and the potatoes to the other. Cook both until just tender - you may want to stop at al dente depending on how you like your vegetables. They will cook for a bit longer in the oven so keep that in mind. Once the potatoes are done drain them them add them to the bowl with the chicken. When the carrots are just tender add the corn and peas. Bring back to a boil for 2 to 3 minutes then drain and add the carrots, peas and corn to the bowl.

Top off your chicken broth with white wine so that you have 1 cup together.
Your fry pan probably has a bunch of bits all over the bottom and that is a good thing this will add yumminess to your sauce! Add the butter, onion and garlic to the pan and over medium heat cook until the onions start to get soft. Using a whisk, add the flour and whisk and cook for about 1 minute. Add the broth/wine and the milk slowly while whisking continuously. Bring this to a boil still whisking until it has become thick and sauce-ay! Salt and pepper the sauce to your taste.

Pour the sauce into the bowl and mix all of your pie filling together.

Roll out your pie crusts to fit a 9''x13'' pan. If you use the pre-made crusts they will roll out rather thin for this size but work just fine. Put in your bottom crust and and let any excess just hang over the edge. Put your filling into the crust and moisten the edge of the crust with your finger dipped into water. Top with your second crust and crimp the edges together by pinching with your fingers or using a fork. With a sharp knife cut a few vent holes in the top crust.

Bake in the 350 degree oven for 40 minutes until the top crust is golden brown. If you used a glass pan the bottom and side crust should be light brown but not too dark. Let set for about 10 minutes before cutting and serving.

*If you want your filling to be saucier use:
6 tablespoons butter
6 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 cups milk
(wine/broth amount is the same as above)
Follow the above directions.


: )

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Shoo-Fly Cake...

I recently joined a group called The Cake Slice.  A cake cookbook is chosen then each month a recipe is voted on and the group all make the decided on cake.  What a great way to try out new recipes and to meet new bakers!

The cookbook that we will be working through is Vintage Cakes by Julie Richardson .  And the first cake that we are baking is the Shoo-Fly Cake.  You like Grandma's kitchen and warm gingerbread?  You will enjoy this cake... for dessert or with coffee in the morning.

I love that the recipes give weights for the ingredients! Folks get yourselves a scale and weigh your stuff - it is the best way to insure consistent yummy results.

Let's get going with the topping.  Butter, flour and brown sugar is not a bad way to start off!

Now the recipe says to use your fingers to get the topping to a crumb.  Well I have fingers nails and that just isn't a pretty mess so in my house we use a pastry cutter.  Quite the handy tool - try it for mashed potatoes sometime. Once crumbled put the mixture into the fridge for some chill time.... then remember that you haven't turned the oven on to preheat and do that.

I also don't do much sifting.  I use a whisk for the dry ingredients first then move onto the wet. Did I mention weigh your ingredients?!

Whisk together the flour, ginger, cinnamon, baking soda and salt.  At this point I realized that I had actually drank the coffee that I need for the cake and take a break to make a new cup. Gives the oven more time to heat up. ; )

So for the next part of the recipe we whisk together all the gooeyness!  Melted butter, molasses eggs, sugar and vanilla. The sugar likes to clump up so be sure to show it some gentle muscle.


Time to make it all work together.... coffee, gooey, flour, coffee, gooey, flour.  Scrape and whisk.

Pour into a buttered pan and sprinkle the topping all over.  Time to get baked!

The Shoo-Fly Cake Recipe can be found in the cookbook Vintage Cakes.

A couple of side notes....
I used a 9" square pan.  The recipe calls for a 9" round pan.  Neither of these pans is big enough for this recipe.  Due to the small pan size my cake did not bake evenly.  When all was said and done it was yummy served with a dollop of whipped cream but I will remake this cake and use a more appropriate sized pan.

Visit the other Cake Slice Bakers here.
